Planning To Open Your Next Gym or Fitness Club? Don’t Forget the Rubber Flooring!
October 28, 2019

Planning To Open Your Next Gym or Fitness Club? Don’t Forget the Rubber Flooring!

You're finally gonna do it!  Congratulations.  You have picked out the location for your new gym or fitness club, found the perfect equipment, you even bought those motivational posters that keep us all going. Great work. 

The only thing left is to go down to the carpet store and pick up some rubber flooring to start your new gym...OOOOOOOPS.

News flash. You won't find rolled rubber flooring at Home Depot, Lowes, or even Flooring America.  Quality rubber flooring is NOT a stock item.  With so many color options, thicknesses and roll lengths, it would be impossible to ever stock the right product.

Made in America, Rubber flooring by is typically made to order.  A  customer places an order, the factory then molds the correct color, slices to the right thickness and cuts at the correct length.  Did you know that custom roll lengths allow for quicker, neater installations?

In a perfect world, you should plan on ordering your rubber floor from 4 - 6 weeks prior to your expected install date.  This allows for the proper product to be shipped the most economical way and to arrive in time to acclimate and be properly installed.

Now not every plan comes together perfectly, believe us we know. We often get calls for a material that needs to be onsite yesterday.  For these situations, we do offer material from a few stocking factories.  These factories typically will stock 25' or 50' rolls for “Quick Shipping”.  Your choice of thickness will be limited, usually 8mm only, and of course your color selection will not be wide.  Red, lt gray, black and blue.   Also, if you need to expedite delivery, you can expect to pay 3 to 4 times the price of a standard shipping cost.  Air shipping is not a feasible option.

So plan ahead and leave yourself enough time to effectively complete your project.  The money you save can then be spent on promoting your gym or rewarding your patrons.  Fitfloors is there to help.